Mini-Session Gift Certificate
Mini-Session Gift Certificate
Includes a professionally printed gift certificate and envelope that can be delivered locally via postal mail, Use it for yourself or provide it as a gift. You can book a session according to my very flexible schedule, I have openings as soon as November 14 but the gift certificates don't expire, in case your photography needs are tentative. With the Mini-Session Photo-shoot, you get:
1 Hour of Shooting Time - Chas shoots with a Canon DSLR camera, using a variety of high-quality lenses, professional grade lighting and light modifiers to ensure your images are at its best quality before editing.
15 Professionally Retouched Images - Professional retouching includes color grading, sharpening, portrait retouching (teeth whitening, removal of stray hairs, wrinkle and blemish removal) and overall creative input of the retoucher.
Includes Print Package - Sixteen wallets, Ten 4x6, Three 8x10