Save Chas
"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind." -Bruce Lee
I’m using social media to contact my family and friends in an effort to resolve my situation: I’m being evicted from my apartment and am seeking donations to pay for my April & May Rent and utilities.
This was posted on my door, May 2, 2019.
Why isn’t chas working? What has he been doing with during the time off work?
In anticipation of going into the Gulf Coast Mental Heath Center, Chas gave notice to his job at Mo’s Irish Pub in Katy and has been unemployed for seven weeks and now faces eviction from his apartment home in Katy, Texas. He has been on a waiting list since March 22. Upon return from the 28-day Mental Health Program, he plans to contact Mo’s Irish Pub to be immediately placed onto the schedule for work. Chas suffers from an Anxiety Disorder and to maintain a balanced life while he waits for his admission into the program, he has been staying organized, meditating, exercising and appreciating the positive aspects of life. Additionally, he has quit smoking cigarettes in an effort to make his general health a priority.
Chas completed his first half-marathon (13 miles in two hours) on March 27, 2019
After struggling for years, Chas finally gained independence in December, 2018 and lives alone in his ‘Dream Apartment’ in Katy, Texas. He claims that this is the perfect apartment community for him because its affordable and Buddha has transitioned well, becoming very acclimated with the community which has been a struggle in the past. Additionally, it is located just 1.5 miles from his employment, Mo’s Irish Pub - Katy and within walking distance from his future school, University of Houston - Victoria Campus.
All Images below are fresh, taken since March 1, 2019.
Four reasons why you should donate to chas’ fundraiser:
Chas is a professional, talented and fun photographer and for every donation, he will gift a Mini-Session voucher to be used in the future.
For non-local donors, Chas will make a pledge to pay back 125% of the amount donated to each donor within six months.
Chas is reputable, always working in professional occupations and achieving success. See his professional resume on LinkedIn! He has always exceeded performance expectations and often being promoted several times in each company he worked for. He plans to make this fundraiser a success, raising 100% of his funds needed and driving forward towards creating a better life and giving back to the community.
He believes in karma and giving back; for every $10 donated to his fundraiser, he will volunteer one hour towards giving-back to the community up to 180 hours (180 hours will equate to about 3 hours a week for 12 months). He will create a blog on this page, providing weekly updates of the status of his volunteer contributions.

How do I donate ?
Chas has created a GoFundMe page to make the process for donation easy. A 24-hour WRIT has been filed which means he has only two days (May 1) to raise the money before the sheriff arrives to kick him out. You can access the page by clicking the image below: